Along with the shorter days and the increasing chill in the air, this time of year also ushers in school for our children. Kids across Maryland get to and from their schools by school bus. That is why a reported traffic safety trend is so alarming.
The Washington Post delivers the unfortunate news that, according to recent reports of driving violations, more drivers are failing to abide by what is probably the most important traffic safety rule in relation to school buses. Can you guess what the rule and, therefore, rampant Maryland driving violations are?
Too many people are passing school buses when the buses are stopped with their lights and stop arms engaged. Not only is that driving decision extremely dangerous, but it is illegal and often deadly. It is a deadly pedestrian accident waiting to happen.
As one source puts it, “Every occasion of illegal passing is a potentially life-altering tragedy for a student and their family.” If every illegally passed school bus represents the potential death of a student, keep this in mind: in one Maryland county alone (Montgomery County) sources noted 999 violations.
The number alone is scary, but it is further disheartening because it represents a worsening in driving habits in Maryland. Recent years passed showed fewer violations of passing buses. Now, numbers suggest drivers need a reminder again — or a deterrent to stop endangering child pedestrians.
If your child has been injured in a pedestrian accident or other traffic incident, you are undoubtedly emotional. A personal injury lawyer can help you through those feelings to move toward a possible legal resolution.
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