No one likes to be a party pooper, but from the perspective of safety and personal injury law, sometimes, we see value in warning readers about potential dangers. If you have children, this is the perfect opportunity to hear a reminder about traffic safety during Halloween.
Even though there are various alternatives for kids now whose parents might not let them go trick-or-treating, there are still those who will go with the classic Halloween night activity. Walking door to door for treats should be fun — safe fun. Without proper caution, getting hit by a car is one of the serious Halloween night threats.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes the dangers of Halloween activities and offers a list of many safety tips to try to prevent injury or illness during the holiday. The following are those related to traffic safety:
- There is safety in numbers, mostly because drivers are more likely to see a big group of trick-or-treaters than an individual. Kids should walk within a group, ideally with at least one responsible (sober) adult in-tow.
- Those who stay out late to trick-or-treat should use some reflective tape to be more visible to drivers. Using flashlights can also help make pedestrians’ presence known.
- It is safest to move slowly through the neighborhoods rather than to run. Kids should also use sidewalks and crosswalks whenever available.
- If walking on a street, walk far on the side of the road, facing oncoming traffic.
Doing what we can to try to protect our kids from traffic dangers is crucial. Sadly, we all know that despite our best efforts, others can make a fun holiday a night of tragedy.
Drunk drivers, distracted drivers, speeding drivers and those who are in other ways reckless can cause pedestrian accidents any time of year. And no matter the time of year, you have rights to fight for the compensation you need for you or your loved one.
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